Nick Winlund, Reporting

Who the fuck is Howie Carr?

For years the American press has been using both out-of-touch Boomers and kooky right-wing idiots on the 
fringes of modern society to antagonize the youths.

I don't know who Howie Carr is. I've never heard of him, but the Boston Herald thought his viewpoints were 
important enough to put his garbage on the front page of their online edition.

We need media reform in this country very soon. The legal, economic, and political problems keep piling up and 
the blame keeps getting cast on people of all ages just trying to make a small difference. Oh, and F.T.P. 
because they are the ones who often start or instigate both conflict and riots.
Side note:
" Rupert Murdoch played a key role in Boston media history when he stepped in and bought the Hearst-owned Herald
American as it foundered on the brink of collapse in 1982. He renamed the paper the Boston Herald and
transformed it into a brash and feisty tabloid it remains today. The Herald is now owned by MNG/Tribune "

non paywall link, because I don't want to directly link to Howie Carr's tabloid shit:
Cached copy of Boston Herald tabloid's opinion piece